Polypipe Soil & Vent Fitting - Automatic Air Admittance Valve for Ø82mm/3'' Soil Pipe; Grey. An alternative to conventionally venting and terminating a soil stack is the use of an air admittance valve. These valves are designed to reduce the number of vent pipes in a building, which would normally be vented through the roof to atmosphere. When installed, the valves are in the closed position and will prevent foul air escaping from the pipework system in normal atmospheric conditions or when positive pressure is created in the soil stack by the discharge from appliances or fluctuations in pressure within the drainage system. When negative pressure is encountered, the valve will automatically open and allow air to enter the stack, equalising pressures and therefore preventing loss of water seals in the traps on appliances.

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Polypipe Soil & Vent Fitting - Automatic Air Admittance Valve for Ø82mm/3'' Soil Pipe; Grey. An alternative to conventionally venting and terminating a soil stack is the use of an air admittance valve. These valves are designed to reduce the number of vent pipes in a building, which would normally be vented through the roof to atmosphere. When installed, the valves are in the closed position and will prevent foul air escaping from the pipework system in normal atmospheric conditions or when positive pressure is created in the soil stack by the discharge from appliances or fluctuations in pressure within the drainage system. When negative pressure is encountered, the valve will automatically open and allow air to enter the stack, equalising pressures and therefore preventing loss of water seals in the traps on appliances.
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