Thermaldry Anti-Condensation Coating is a styrene acrylic copolymer dispersion water based paint, which is thermally insulating and water repelling. Thermaldry incorporates Micro-technology in the form of hollow glass beads, with a size of 50um and a crush strength of 500 psi. The micro, hollow glass beads act like a miniature Thermos Flask, reflecting thermal energy away from the walls, preventing the water from condensing.

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Thermaldry Anti-Condensation Coating is a styrene acrylic copolymer dispersion water based paint, which is thermally insulating and water repelling. Thermaldry incorporates Micro-technology in the form of hollow glass beads, with a size of 50um and a crush strength of 500 psi. The micro, hollow glass beads act like a miniature Thermos Flask, reflecting thermal energy away from the walls, preventing the water from condensing.
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