A quality-assured, non-hydraulic hydrated lime that meets the requirements for mortar, render and plaster for conservation, restoration and new build construction. It conforms to high calcium requirements of BS EN 459-1 classification CL 90-S. Manufactured by calcining a high purity calcium limestone which produces quicklime. This is then crushed, hydrated and re-ground to produce the finished fine powder. Improves the plasticity, cohesiveness and water retention of cement mortars and renders.

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A quality-assured, non-hydraulic hydrated lime that meets the requirements for mortar, render and plaster for conservation, restoration and new build construction. It conforms to high calcium requirements of BS EN 459-1 classification CL 90-S. Manufactured by calcining a high purity calcium limestone which produces quicklime. This is then crushed, hydrated and re-ground to produce the finished fine powder. Improves the plasticity, cohesiveness and water retention of cement mortars and renders.
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